The Knolls Independent Living

Dial Senior Living

This new construction of a 104,312 square foot, three-story, independent living facility includes 56 home-like living units with common spaces. Amenities include an underground parking garage, a chapel area, a salon/spa, activity rooms, a theater, laundry/housekeeping rooms, mechanical rooms, and a full service kitchen with dining areas.


Lincoln, NE


9097 Flats

New construction of an 80,000 square foot mixed-use project with a mix of high-end residential condominiums, deed-restricted affordable housing units, and commercial condominium spaces.


Frisco, CO

Rendering provided by Allen-Guerra Architecture and Studio951, a Division of Shive-Hattery

48th and Dodge Development

New construction of a five-story residential apartment building consisting of 329 apartment units and a two-level parking garage. Considerable upfront preconstruction process to deliver the vision of the project stakeholders.


Omaha, NE

12th & William st Multi-Family

New construction of four buildings with 107 livable units that are a combination of townhomes and apartments, featuring parking garages underneath the apartments.


Omaha, NE

Renderings provided by BVH Architecture