Norris Intermediate School & High School

Norris Public Schools

Meeting the educational needs of over 600 students, this new construction of 67,000 square foot intermediate elementary school features new drop-off and bus lanes, an open cafeteria, multi-purpose room, gymnasium, and special needs areas. The project includes additions and renovations to the existing high school, as well as the renovation of the football field with synthetic field turf.

Hausmann assisted with a successful bond election
Firth, NE


Roper, Kooser, and Fredstrom Early Childhood Additions

New additions of early childhood facilities to three existing, occupied elementary schools. Includes classrooms for early learners, teacher planning rooms, storage spaces, restrooms, and corridors connecting to the existing buildings.


Lincoln, NE

Stuart Public Schools

Stuart Public Schools

Renovation to the existing school for administrative offices and construction of an addition to accommodate a new shop, agricultural classroom, music room, art room, general classrooms.


Stuart, NE

Vermillion Elementary School

Vermillion School District

A 117,000 addition of a new elementary school to the existing middle school, with a front office suite to support counseling, nursing, and administration. Features a main competition gym, an auxiliary gym that doubles as a cafeteria and multi-purpose space, a library, and a secure main entrance. Highlights include new classrooms, a media center, a playground, and associated site work.


Vermillion, SD