Howard L. Hawks Hall College of Business

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The largest academic building project in recent history at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, this 240,000 square foot College of Business serves as a central gathering and welcoming place for the College of Business community, the University, and the private business collective in this region. Features of the building include interactive learning spaces in state-of-the-art classrooms, cutting-edge technology, and event space. The northwest quarter of the building is a three-story square box fully wrapped in glass, known as “The Cube,” and is home to the Dean’s office.


Lincoln, NE


Westbrook Music Hall

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Construction of a new music building that will create a gateway at the southwest corner of campus and become an important path to downtown. It will have modern acoustic features and will be able to accommodate student growth.


Lincoln, NE

Rendering provided by Sinclair Hille Architects & BNIM Architects

Westfall Hall

Colorado State University

Renovations to student dorm to increase efficiencies throughout the building include new and efficient windows, sustainable flooring, LED light fixtures, window coverings, moveable wardrobes, and fresh paint.

Fort Collins, CO

Peterson Fine Arts

Wayne State College

12,000 square foot addition that includes all new integrated spaces for music majors with professional acoustics as well as renovations throughout the existing building including updating the 600-seat Ramsey theatre.


Wayne, NE