Hausmann Celebrates Landmark Achievement as First Construction Manager at Risk for Iowa K-12 School Project

In a historic move, Hausmann Construction has proudly secured the role of the first Construction Manager at Risk (CMR) for a K-12 school project in the state of Iowa. This significant accomplishment comes on the heels of a recent legislative development that introduced the CMR delivery method to the state. Hausmann’s involvement in the West Lyon Community School project marks a new era in construction management methodologies and reflects the company’s commitment to innovation and excellence.

Legislative Milestone

The state of Iowa recently passed a law allowing the use of the Construction Manager at Risk (CMR) delivery method for public projects. This change in legislation has paved the way for more effective and collaborative project management in the construction of educational facilities. Hausmann seized the opportunity to be at the forefront of this movement, securing the West Lyon Community School project under the CMR framework.

Pre-Bond Support

Hausmann played a pivotal role in facilitating the successful passage of the bond for the West Lyon Community School project. Along with the architectural team at CO-OP Architecture, the team provided invaluable assistance to the school district throughout the pre-bond phase, offering expertise in budgeting to determine an accurate bond amount. Additionally, Hausmann actively participated in crafting and distributing marketing materials, including the development of a user-friendly website and informative flyers to educate the community about the bond and its benefits.

Community Engagement

Understanding the importance of community involvement, Hausmann representatives attended various meetings to address questions, alleviate concerns, and guide the school district toward a successful referendum. This collaborative approach showcased Hausmann’s commitment to transparent communication and ensured that the community felt actively involved in the decision-making process.

Project Scope

The West Lyon Community School project encompasses a comprehensive scope of construction and renovation initiatives to modernize educational facilities. The project includes facility enhancements, transportation, site improvements, and interior renovations to address the evolving needs of 21st-century education.

Hausmann’s successful acquisition of the West Lyon Community School project as the first Construction Manager at Risk in Iowa exemplifies the company’s dedication to pioneering construction management methodologies. As the project moves forward, Hausmann’s expertise and collaborative approach promise to bring about a transformative change in the educational landscape, setting a precedent for future K-12 construction projects in the state of Iowa and beyond.